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丽江《木氏宗谱》美藏整理本是《域外汉籍珍本文库》的重要文献,其以美国国会图书馆珍藏的被誉为纳西学之父洛克搜集整理的《木氏宦谱》为蓝本而重新汇编的整理本,是迄今关于丽江木氏土司家族最为完备的史料,对研究近古时期丽江地区乃至整个滇西北具有十分重要的史学价值。从人类学的视野看,《木氏宗谱》美藏整理本是追溯丽江木氏家族渊源最为翔实的记忆文本,是承载丽江木氏的一部家族制度史,也是丽江木氏与元明清王朝国家关系变迁的历史书写。  相似文献   
公共行政是正义研究的重要领域。传统理论多采用罗尔斯、诺齐克和沃尔泽等人为正义提供的客观标准。但这些标准不仅在理论上相互冲突,而且在公共行政的实践中也常常会导致模棱两可的判断。本研究旨在提出一种符号正义的观念,来指导当代公共行政的理论与实践。这种观念认为正义并不存在中立客观的标准,而是被群体共享的信念和实践所建构。研究者只有将正义置于特定语言游戏的背景中,才能真正理解其发生和运作。因为和正义相关的不同语言游戏之间只存在家族相似性,所以公共行政必须面对相互冲突的复杂环境。符号正义的观念能够为这种公共行政问题的复杂性提供必不可少的分析框架。  相似文献   
文章从制度支持机制、机会结构约束机制和收益-风险约束机制三个维度分析了影响家庭农场主职业传递意愿的相关因素。研究发现,制度支持机制对农场主的职业代际传递有一定程度的影响,相对于选择家族内其他成员而言,政府开展的人才培训和政府补贴有助于农场主子女作为职业代际传递对象;机会结构约束机制对家庭农场主的职业代际传递有着显著的正向影响,相对于选择家族外成员而言,在子女参与农场劳动的情况下,农场主将优先选择子女作为职业继承人;从收益-风险约束机制来看,家庭农场的短期收益对农场主的职业传递意愿并不具有显著的统计影响;农场主在认为农场经营存在较高风险的潜在收益时更愿意选择子女接手未来的农场经营。由此提出:除了进一步加强对家庭农场的制度支持外,还应该提供相应的风险应对策略,鼓励发展亲代与子代共同经营的家庭农场;在乡村振兴战略的指导下,应该为具备农业企业家才能的能人创造宽松的环境,并致力于加强农村经济组织之间的交流与合作。  相似文献   
使用教育部直属A大学的新生基线调查数据,以1 107名大一新生为被试,构建了一个有调节的中介模型,并重点考察学生高中阶段父母参与对青少年自我效能感的影响机制。结果发现:(1)学生家庭社会经济地位存在显著性别差异,女生家庭社会经济地位高于男生;独生子女在家庭社会经济地位、父母参与以及自我效能感等方面都明显优于非独生子女;(2)父母参与对青少年自我效能感具有显著正向预测作用;(3)在家庭社会经济地位对青少年自我效能感的影响中,父母参与起到了部分中介作用;(4)独生状况调节了家庭社会经济地位→父母参与→自我效能感的后半段,即相对于非独生子女而言,独生子女父母参与对自我效能感的促进作用更为明显。  相似文献   
以社会情感财富理论与合法性视角为出发点,选择2008—2018年中国沪深两市A股上市家族企业为研究样本,考察家族涉入及继任CEO来源对企业财务报告质量的影响。研究发现:家族的所有权涉入及管理权涉入均对企业财务报告质量具有显著的负向影响。相比一代创始人CEO,家族二代继任CEO与职业经理人继任CEO均会提升家族企业的财务报告质量。此研究丰富了家族企业研究方面的文献,拓展了家族企业财务报告质量前沿问题的研究视野,同时为我国后一代时期的家族企业如何提升财务报告质量提供了参考。  相似文献   
家庭是贫困治理的社会基础,有效阻断贫困的代际传递是贫困治理的重要方式。基于家庭策略的视野,通过对两个贫困家庭在减贫过程中不同减贫方式的分析与比较,探讨家庭策略如何被自主运用来解决贫困问题。研究发现,“反馈模式”的代际关系下,多子女所带来的路径可选择性与关系灵活性让家庭有更大空间采用有效的家庭策略,以“代内合力”和“代际合力”为一部分子女的成长和发展提供更充分的资源及“资源变现”的空间与条件,从而为实现“家庭减贫”创造机会。在巩固脱贫成果和实现乡村振兴进程中,家庭作用的有效发挥能充分激发家庭自我发展的内生动力,从而实现脱贫致富。  相似文献   
Constellation work is a therapeutic and counselling intervention recognised in Germany and other European countries since the 1970s. Various scientists and practitioners have contributed to its theoretical and practical development, and research on the subject has increased over the past few years. However culture in constellation work has received little research attention and has not been empirically studied in African contexts. The aim of this article is to reflect on culture and its influence on constellation work in multicultural, post‐apartheid South Africa. An empirical qualitative research approach within the phenomenological paradigm was adopted. Six constellation facilitators were interviewed with in‐depth and field notes taken during participative observations of constellation workshops. The findings provide insight into culture in constellation work in the South African context. Theoretical and practical recommendations for scientists and therapy practitioners working with systemic interventions like constellation work are provided.  相似文献   
Using data from a survey in Ankang district of Shaanxi province of China in 2011, this article examines the protective effect of the New Rural Social Pension (NRSP) on quality of life of rural elders, as well the moderating effect on association between family structure and quality of life. An instrumental variable approach is used. NRSP is shown to significantly improve the quality of life of rural elders, and a robustness check shows that this effect is consistent across different sets of subgroups. Compared with the elders who have at least one son, the quality of life of those who are childless or have only one child is significantly lower. The NRSP is more likely to significantly improve the quality of life of one-child elders. In addition, the associations between the NRSP and the different facets of quality of life of the elders are significant except for the facet of sensory abilities.  相似文献   
This study examines the effects of social capital as it affects men's mental health in the context of work–family balance. Multivariate analyses of data from National Family Research of Japan 2008 have revealed the following. First, the social capital that men receive from their spouses was found to have a direct effect on their distress. The effect of social capital from family other than a spouse does not have a direct effect on men's mental health. Second, only social capital from a spouse was observed to provide a buffering effect. This result implies that, in contemporary Japan, social capital derived from the spouse functions satisfactorily as a bulwark to mitigate the negative effects that the experience of role conflict between work and family has on men's mental health. Finally, the study examines the effect of social capital with reference to social support theory. Subsequent research might usefully focus on varieties of social capital other than those covered in the current study, which will leverage the unique potential of social capital by examining techniques and units of analysis.  相似文献   
Adoption is unanimously considered a lifelong process, but adulthood and parenthood are life cycle stages that up to now have been explored only marginally. The principal aim of the present study is twofold: first, to analyze whether and how parenthood might lead the adoptee and his/her partner to reinterpret the adoption history and, second, to verify whether the attitudes of the two partners concerning adoption are similar or complementary. Thirty-four couples consisting of one adopted and one non-adopted partner, now parents, were interviewed and a graphic instrument, the Double Moon Test, was administered. Results revealed that most couples showed a shared attitude in valorizing both the origin background and the adoptive family. However, in a number of cases a divergent position emerged, highlighting the crucial role of the non-adopted partner in encouraging the adoptee to revisit his/her adoption history. Overall, the practical relevance of the research findings is discussed and future direction of research are suggested.  相似文献   
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